Formula 1 Lotto System Review The TRUTH!

The Formula 1 Lotto System is a lottery software system created by a 63 year old MIT Professor Glen Hooke, get this, it only took him 27 years to perfect. If you actually believe this nonsense. You are most likely one the the un-lucky people who have purchased this fake system. Yes I said FAKE lottery software system that wins nothing more than random lottery numbers.

When I say the Formula 1 Lotto System is fake. What I mean is, there is No MIT Math Professor Glen Hooke who took 27 years to create this virtually useless lottery system. That is a fake selling scenario to suck people in. The real developer of this poor lotto software system is a common Marketer, nothing more. Also the lottery system it’s self is nothing special. It is quite useless at winning lottery games.

This system has been tested by many real users and has been found to not work even close to as advertised. We gave the Formula 1 Lotto system a test and we also did not receive any winning lottery tickets. In fact it was a total money wasting system.

Yes, there are many good reviews on this system. If you checked out these so-called great reviews, you would see they are all false reviews! All written by affiliates who sell the silly software system trying to grab commission sales. Any legit real winning lottery system will not allow affiliates to sell it. This is a direct gimmick to make the seller fast money, as the lottery system wins NOTHING! All reputable review sites report this Formula 1 Lotto System as a junky system to avoid.

The Formula One Lotto System was actually entered in the 2012 Best Winning Lottery System Poll to see which system people actually had real winning success using. Anti cheat was in place, so all voters could only vote once. As you can see when you click on the poll results, the formula 1 Lotto System was a losing system, only 1 voter liked it, most likely the marketer who sells it. This poll clearly show you which systems people are winning the lottery using.

Also in another lottery system poll below the Formula 1 Lotto System again did not fair well.

According to the final poll results, most lottery players voted for the Lotto Guy Lottery System, which was developed by real University Techs, using real software to get real data analysis and lotto number pattern analysis, all verified as legit. There are no affiliates selling this winning system, it’s the real deal and a proven winning system you all should be using.

Say goodbye to the un-realistic Formula 1 Lotto System. It lost in both lottery system poll votes. The system owner Glen Hooke is a total fake and the system is a virtually useless software system that has no real lottery winners, you be the judge!

Here are a few more review sites that are legit you should check them out:

Lottery Systems Reviews

Lottery Systems Review Group

Lottery System Reviews The Truth