Lottery Circle Software Not Effective System

Reports of many complaints re-guarding the Lottery Circle Software system by Ace Lee are climbing in numbers weekly. Ace Lee is Not a lottery expert, but he claims he is just because he worked in a grocery store and sold lottery tickets. Ace Lee says by working in the grocery store, he figured out a winning lottery system, which is his Lottery Circle System, which he claims will produce big 96% win rates. Well, I am very sorry to let MR Ace Lee down, but his so-called winning Lottery Circle System does even come close to producing 96% win rates. As a matter of fact it barely even produces a solid 2 percent win rate, how’s that for false advertising.

Ace Lee is just a common Marketer who takes free material from the Internet and sells it to unsuspecting people trying to win the lotto. The fact is all of Ace Lee’s lottery systems as Lottery Circle Software, Lottery Method, How To Win Pick 6, How To Win Pick 5, and a few others, contain very common information easily found online for free. Most people know the free stuff has been tested and is almost useless at winning lottery games.

The Lottery Circle Software program is just a very common lotto past drawn numbers system, these kinds of systems are sold everywhere and they all get their material for free off the Internet, the same place you and I can get it, if you really want it. Never believe the totally ridiculous win rates Ace Lee claims for his lotto systems. He claims a 96 % win rate for the Lottery Circle system, which is a lie! As a matter of fact, Ace Lee sells many other systems as an affiliate seller, claiming they are great to use, even though the lotto system is a known scam! Ace Lee only wants your money and will mislead you, to get it! You should also be aware of the fact many affiliates are selling the Lottery Circle Software System, so there are tons of fake reviews out there, as they want to make fast commission.

The real truth is, Ace Lee’s Lottery Circle system has been tested many times and only gives about a 2 to 3 percent win rate, Not 96 Percent, which is totally false advertising and should be reported to the FTC as is illegal to now do.

Here is something you might not know about the Lottery Circle Software system. It was included in a 2012 best winning lottery system poll. This lottery system poll was to find out which lottery systems were actually winning lottery games for real users. Here is the final results of that lottery poll below. As you can see the Winning lottery system was in fact the Lotto Guy Lottery System taking 83 percent of the votes as best winning system.In 2nd place was the Lottery Circle system taking 7% of the votes, which did actually beat out 13 other systems, so as I said it gives you about a 2 percent win rate, but certainly not a great winning lotto system.

2012 Best Winning Lottery System Poll Winner

2012 Best Winning Lottery System Poll Winner

Want more proof the Lottery Circle System is not worth your time? Check this article about the Lottery Circle system, it has lots of comments from real-users of the software system. We are receiving bad reviews weekly about this lotto software system as, guaranteed refunds not honored, system wins nothing, same material online for free and want my money back, no email replies, no support.It is up to you! use a fake system, get poor results. Use a good reputable lotto system get good results!


Lottery System Reviews The Truth

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